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Instruction on How to Check Graduation Project(paper)'s Repetition Rate for foreign students

发布者:王成伟 [发表时间]:2021-05-25 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Instruction on How to Check Graduation Project(paper)’s Repetition Rate for foreign students

Students' papers need to be checked of the repetition rate through "CNKI". The school requires that the repetition rate of science and engineering papers should be less than 30% and that of Arts papers should be less than 25%. Each student only has two opportunities to check the graduation projects’ repetition rate, so follow supervisors’ instruction when to check and use them carefully.

But how to check for students?

Step1Log on to the website of China "CNKI": http://hyit.check.cnki.net/.

Step 2Click that button “管理部门入口”. As shown in the picture below.


Step 3Enter user’s name(hggjjlxy) and Password(12345678).Then click the button “登陆”. As shown in the picture below.

Step 4. Click that button“上传论文”,Click “上传论文”,Enter the student's name in "作者" and upload the paper

Step 5Waiting for test results


Step6. Select students' papers, click "选中文献报告单", click "全文对照报告单", and "提交".


Step7click “下载报告单”

Step8click“下载”,Download the duplicate results of students' papers, as shown in the figure below


Step9Decompress the duplicate search compressed folderThe password is "hggjjlxy"click“确定”,You can unzip it.