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专业介绍:国际经济与贸易(本科) International Economics and Trade (Undergraduate)

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-03-30 [来源]: [浏览次数]:
I. 培养目标 Training Objectives
经过四年专业学习,学生能掌握国际经济与贸易实践的基本理论,熟悉经济贸易领域的国际 惯例和中国对外贸易的政策法规,了解现代商务信息技术,当代世界经济发展现状、趋势,具备 国际市场业务开拓、国际商务实际操作能力,成为能在贸易公司、政府部门从事国际商务、国际 贸易等方面工作的专门高级人才。
For four-academic-year (Fall and Spring Semesters) study, students can learn theories on  international economics and international commercial practices. Students can be familiar with  international practice in the field of economy and trade and China’s foreign trade polices and  regulations, understand modern business information technology, and the world economy development  status and trend, and have the ability to explore international market, and execute international business.  After graduation, students can be senior talents of international business and trade, who are apt to work  in foreign trade firms and government departments.
II. 培养要求 Requirements
能掌握国际经济与贸易专业的基本理论知识,学习国际贸易,国际投资与经济合作,提高从 事国际商务的能力。
Participants mainly learn basic theories and knowledge on international economics. They will  receive some training on international trade, international investment and economic cooperation , and  improve ability to engage in international business.
Graduates are required to:
1.have solid professional foundation, wide knowledge, strong ability, high personal quality, and  innovative consciousness;
2.掌握数学、计算机、管理学、会计学等方面的基本理论和基本知识,并能用于解决实际经 济管理问题;
2.master the basic theory and knowledge of mathematics, computer, management, accounting,  etc., and can use them to solve practical problems in economic management;
3.具有扎实的现代经济学基础理论,系统掌握国际经济与贸易的理论和业务知识,了解国际 经济的发展趋势以及主要国家和地区的经济发展状况;
3.acquire solid theoretical basis of modern economics; master theory and professional knowledge  of international economy and trade; understand the economic development trend of the world and
major countries and regions;
4.have independent ability to conduct theoretical research and practice in international trade,  international investment, transnational operation and management
5.了解中国对外经济政策和法规、世界主要经济组织的运作情况及规则,熟悉经济贸易领域 的国际惯例与通行操作实践; 5.be familiar with China's foreign economic policies and regulations, the major countries' trade  policies and laws, and the international practice in the field of economic and trade;
6. be able to skillfully use modern economic analysis methods and technical means to analyze and  cope with international economic and trade issues, and conduct economic analysis;
7. master Chinese language, with ability of proper listening, speaking, reading, writing and  translation;
8. have strong language , social communication, organization and coordination ability;
9.掌握资料查询、文献检索以及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法,具有一定的社 会调查,归纳、整理、分析调查结果,撰写论文的能力;能够就国际经济问题与业界同行、社会 公众,以及在跨文化背景下进行有效沟通和交流;
9. master the basic methods of information retrieval, document retrieval and the modern  information technology to obtain relevant information, with the ability to conduct social investigation,  and to induct, collate, analyze the survey results, and present the results into papers. Under the cross  cultural context, students should be capable to effectively communicate and exchange opinions of  international economic issues with the industry peers, public;
10. with social responsibility; can understand and abide by professional ethics and norms and legal  concepts, and fulfill their responsibilities;
11. be able to take the role of individual, team member and the leader in a multidisciplinary team;
12. have awareness of autonomous learning and lifelong learning, and the ability to continuously  learn and to adapt to the development and change.
III. 学位 Degree
Bachelor of Economics ( B.Ec. )