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硕士研究方向介绍:交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management

发布者: [发表时间]:2023-02-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


Transportation Planning and Management


Graduate study in Transportation Planning and Management focuses on the basic theories, methods and technologies of the development policy, planning and design, and operation management of the integrated transportation system and the urban transportation system, and provides the theoretical basis and technical support for the development of the transportation system.


Comprehensive transportation development strategy and macro-decision


1It focuses on the theory and method of comprehensive transportation system planning, the theory and policy of transportation infrastructure construction and national economic development, and the policy and mode of sustainable development of transportation.

2 城市与区域运输系统规划

Urban and Regional Transportation System Planning


2It focuses on the characteristics of urban and regional transportation demand and supply, the optimal configuration of transportation network and nodes, and the optimization of integrated transportation system structure.

3 运输组织优化理论与方法

Transportation Organization Optimization Theory and Method


3It focuses on transportation demand theory and method, transportation product design and development, transportation hub overall planning and design, transportation mode division and coordination, transportation hub design and transportation hub operation capacity, new theories and methods in transportation organization, modernization of transportation planning Theory and method of modern cargo transportation technology, modern passenger transportation organization, production organization and management of transportation process, etc.

4 交通运输安全管理

Transportation Safety Engineering


4It focuses on transportation safety management technology, transportation emergency response, optimization of special transportation organization, transportation of dangerous goods, etc.

5 交通运输环境管理

Transportation Environmental Engineering


5It focuses on the impact of transportation on the environment, the carbon emission detection of transportation vehicles, and the evaluation of transportation carbon emissions.

可申报专业(Accepted majors


Accepted majors: transportation engineering, management, computer science and technology, urban and rural planning, geographic science, surveying and mapping science and technology., etc.