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硕士研究方向介绍:农艺与种业 Agronomy and Seed Industry

发布者: [发表时间]:2023-02-28 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


Master of Agriculture in this field is a professional degree related to the job qualifications in productive and efficient production technology and production organization management of crops and horticultural crops, demonstration and promotion of new agricultural technologies, planning, design and sustainable development of regional planting systems, selection of new varieties, ecological agriculture and modern agricultural models, macro agriculture, etc., mainly involving the basic principles and production technology of germplasm resources, genetic breeding, cultivation technology, prevention of disease, insect, and grass pest control and post-harvest treatment, storage and processing, transportation and sales of crops and horticultural crops, etc. There are three research directions: green production technology of healthy edible rice, green production technology of facility horticultural plants, and development and research of local characteristic horticultural plants.