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淮阴工学院新冠肺炎疫情防控期间来华留学生管理暂行规定 Regulations on the Administration of International Students of HYIT during the period of Covid-19 Prevention and Control

发布者:国际教育学院 [发表时间]:2020-06-24 [来源]:国际教育学院 [浏览次数]:

为切实有效预防和控制新冠肺炎疫情,确保来华留学生(以下称“留学生”)的身体健康和生命安全,维护校园的安全稳定,根据教育部、省、市相关文件精神,同时依据《淮阴工学院新冠肺炎疫情防控期间学生管理暂行规定》(淮工院学〔2020〕7 号)、《淮阴工学院疫情防控期间学生行为规范》(淮工院学〔2020〕8 号)、《淮阴工学院疫情防控期间在校学生外出审批暂行办法》(淮工院学〔2020〕9 号)、《疫情防控期间学生宿舍管理规定》(淮工院学〔2020〕10 号)相关文件精神,结合实际,特制定本规定。

第一章 日常行为规范

第一条 疫情防控期间,学校实行封闭式管理,严格执行“未接到学校通知所有学生一律不得返校”的规定和要求,所有在校留学生不得外出学校。

第二条 严格履行外出请假、报备手续。



第三条 人员外出行为规范




第四条 校内住宿行为规范




(四)保持宿舍卫生和空气流通。定期打扫卫生,清除卫生死角,并对宿舍内的设施设备进行消毒,及时清理宿舍内垃圾。房间内保持空气流通,每日通风不少于 3 次,每次不少于 30 分钟。


第五条 滞留校外人员行为规范




第六条 网络行为规范



第七条 严格遵守学校相关规定,互相关心、互相帮助、互相监督。如发现违反本行为规范的行为,应立即向国际教育学院报告。

第八条 积极配合学校疫情防控工作,严格执行学校晨午晚检管理制度。

第二章 教学管理

第九条 认真按照学校安排上好网课,合理安排学习时间,充分用好网络课程资源,全力抓好专业学习。

第十条 课堂期间,须遵守课堂纪律,服从教师管理,严禁旷课、迟到、早退等行为。

第十一条 因时差、网络等问题无法参加正常课堂教学的学生,须在规定时间内回看网络教学课程录像。

第十二条 根据课程实际操作需要,具备在网上进行实验或实习条件的课程,任课老师将提交实验或实习安排表,学生可以利用网络平台进行实验、实习。

第十三条 毕业班学生应通过网络、电话等形式,与论文指导老师保持联系,服从答辩安排,按时、保质完成毕业设计(论文)写作。

第十四条 留学生考试采用线上考试与监考形式,考试日程安排由国教院发布。

第三章 违纪处分

第十五条 留学生返校时间以学校通知为准,任何离校的留学生一律不得提前返校。有以下行为,将给予警告以上处分,情节严重者或造成重大传染事故的,从重从严处分。






第十六条 留学生按照学校要求填报个人相关信息时,故意不报、瞒报、错报、误报、漏报的,给予警告以上处分,情节严重者,从重从严处分。

第十七条 严格遵守疫情期间校园封闭及学生外出管理规定,有以下行为者,给予警告以上处分,情节严重者,从重从严处分。





第十八条 遵守学校疫情防控工作要求,积极配合学校疫情防控工作。有以下行为者,给予警告以上处分,情节严重者或造成重大传染事故的,从重从严处分。













第十九条 遵守疫情防控期间对公寓、食堂、教室、图书馆等场所有关防控要求。有以下行为者,给予警告以上处分,情节严重者或造成重大传染事故的,从重从严处分。










第二十条 违反宿舍管理规定,有以下行为者,给予警告以上处分,情节严重的,从重从严处分。




第二十一条 留学生按照学校要求开展线上学习,须遵守课堂纪律,服从教师管理,缺课达到一定课时的、影响成绩评定、扰乱教学秩序等行为者,给予警告以上处分,情节严重的,从重从严处分。

第二十二条 其他违反上级部门、司法部门、学校要求和校纪校规行为的,参照学校有关规定处理。

第四章 处分权限、程序和申诉

第二十三条 对违反疫情防控工作的留学生,处分权限、程序和申诉等工作,按照《淮阴工学院学生留学生申诉管理办法(试行)》等规定,从严从快进行处理。

第五章 附 则

第二十四条 本规定中处分的“以上”均包括本级处分。

第二十五条 留学生的违纪处理由国际教育学院负责。

第二十六条 本规定自颁布之日起施行,仅适用于疫情防控期间,到解除疫情防控自然终止。

 Regulations on the Administration of International Students of HYIT during the period of Covid-19 Prevention and Control

In order to effectively prevent and control the situation of Covid-19, ensure the health and safety of international students, and maintain the safety and stability of the campus, in accordance with the related documents of Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Province, Huaian City and HYIT, combined with the actual situation, School of International Education (SIE) formulate these regulations .

Chapter I Daily Code of Conduct

Article 1 During the period of Covid-19 prevention and control, the school will implement campus closed management and strictly implement the provisions and requirements that "all students shall not return to school without receiving notice from the school", and all international students who stay on campus shall not go out to school.

Article 2 Asking for leave and report for record.

(1) International students who have to go out for special reasons shall fill in the Leave Application Form during the period of Covid-19 prevention and control, which shall be reviewed by the teacher on duty, approved and filed by SIE. When going out, students granted permission must take the leave application form and student card, passport or other valid documents to enter and leave the campus. Both on and off ways of campus must be registered at the doorman's office, and shall be for a period of not more than 4 hours.

(2) If an international student staying on campus wants to go back to his/her country, he/she can apply to the SIE for repatriation, and provide the corresponding ticket itinerary and sign an informed consent form. SIE will discuss your apply and reported to the leader of the school in charge for approval, and only after getting the permission from SIE, he/she can leave school and return to own country.

Article 3 Code of Conduct for Personnel going out

(1) International students should consciously abide by Chinese laws and regulations and school discipline rules when gone out, do a good job in personal protection against Covid-19, ensure smooth communication, consciously pay attention to the safety of people and property, transportation, food, fire etc., and timely report their journey path and physical condition to SIE as required.

(2) Do not go to places where people gather or are closed, where the air is not circulating, where there is a serious epidemic situation, do not organize or participate in gathering activities without permission, do not bring off-campus personnel (including relatives) into the campus, and do not have close contact with off-campus personnel.

(3) When returning to school, the mask shall be properly worn, and actively cooperate with the school to do temperature test, do health information verification, disinfection, replacement of masks, etc., and put the discarded masks into the designated garbage can after correct treatment.

Article 4 Code of Conduct for Residential In-school

(1) Do not put up others, do not visit or stay in other students' dormitories, and cooperate with the gatekeeper of dormitories to do in and out registration, temperature monitoring, certificate inspection and other epidemic prevention and control work.

(2) It is prohibited to keep any pets in dormitories, to use any prohibited electrical appliances in dormitories, and to stock up and use flammable disinfection supplies such as alcohol.

(3) Wash your hands frequently, ventilate your room frequently, disinfect frequently, eat a balanced diet, strengthen physical exercise, develop good living habits, enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

(4) Maintain the hygiene and make your room airy. Regular cleaning, cleaning dead ends, and disinfect the facilities and equipment, and timely take the trash out. The room should be ventilated not less than 3 times a day for not less than 30 minutes at a time.

(5) In case of fever, dry cough, fatigue, dyspnea and other suspicious symptoms, please contact the dormitory management personnel, head teacher and counselor immediately. In case of intentional concealment, it will be dealt with according to laws and regulations.

Article 5 code of conduct for person staying out of school

(1) International students staying outside campus must obey the arrangements of the local government and schools for epidemic prevention and control, and take the initiative to cooperate with the work of epidemic prevention and control Actively support the collection and statistics of epidemic information carried out by the school, truthfully and timely report their physical condition and other relevant information..

(2) International students who are staying outside the school are not allowed to return to school without receiving back-to-school notice. International students staying in other cities in China, if someone meet special in circumstances need to return to school, they must apply to SIE in advance, after the Covid-19 prevention and control leading work group of HYIT review and approve, she/he can return to school.

(3) If an international student who is staying outside campus is notified to return to school or has been approved to return to school early after his/her apply approved, he/she shall do well in the prevention and protection of the disease on the way back to school. Those whose physical condition are abnormal or have had close contact with the confirmed case, suspected case or asymptomatic infected person within 14 days before returning to school, or if he or she visits, travels through the key areas or countries of the epidemic prevention and control,  or has a history of close contact with person from key areas and countries of the prevention and control, and person with symptoms of fever or respiratory infection, or any other person who does not meet the physical conditions of returning to school, may fulfill the leave procedure, do not return to school, and then apply for returning to school after meeting the corresponding conditions. Before and after returning to school, report in detail on the itinerary and contact with personnel of SIE before and after returning to school, and consciously receive isolation for medical observation if necessary.

Article 6 Network Code of Conduct

(1) do not listen to, do not spread, do not create rumors, do not use the Internet to spread rumors, do not publish, comment, reprint comments on the Internet that are not conducive to the prevention and control of Covid-19, do not download, do not watch, do not disseminate terrorism-related video;

(2) Do not organize, participate in or instigate others to carry out activities that hinder the prevention and control of epidemic situation.

Article 7 strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the school, care for, help and supervise each other. Any violation of this code of conduct shall be reported to the SIE immediately.

Article 8 actively cooperate with the prevention and control of epidemic situation in schools and strictly implement the management system of early and late inspection in schools.

Chapter II Teaching Management

Article 9 International student should have online courses in accordance with the school's arrangements, reasonably arrange study time, make full use of online course resources, and do your best to focus on professional study.

Article 10 During the class session, the class discipline shall be observed, the teacher's management shall be obeyed, and the acts of absenteeism, lateness and early departure shall be strictly prohibited.

Article 11 students who are unable to participate in live class due to time difference, network and other problems shall review the online teaching course video within the specified time.

Article 12 According to the practical needs of the course, if the experimenter or internship have the conditions to be conducted online, the teacher will submit the experiment or internship arrangement form, and the students can use the network platform for experiments and internships.

Article 13 the graduating class students shall keep in touch with the thesis instructor through the network, telephone and other means, obey the defense arrangement, and complete the graduation design (thesis) writing on time and with high quality.

Article 14 The examination of international students shall be conducted in the form of online examinations and online proctors, and the examination schedule shall be issued by the SIE.

Chapter III Disciplinary action

Article 15 The time of return of international students shall be subject to the notice of the school. Any international students who have left the school shall not return in advance. In case of any of the following acts, the punishment of warning or above will be given. In case of serious circumstances or serious accidents, the punishment will be more severe

(1) returning to school without approval or without listening to dissuasion;

(2) returning to school in advance without authorization and concealing;

(3) deliberately concealing the whereabouts outside of the school;

(4) falsifying or providing materials such as false certificates related to the prevention and control of Covid-19;

(5) International students staying in other cities within China do not return without receiving a notice to return to school. If someone needs to return to school in special circumstances, it must be approved by the Covid-19 prevention and control leading work group of HYIT before returning to school. In the process of returning to school, those who do not comply with the requirements of Covid-19 prevention and control in their location, places passing by and Huai'an City; After arriving school, those who do not comply with the management requirements of Covid-19 prevention and control of HYIT, such as those who do not comply with the isolation requirements, do not wear masks according to the regulations, falsify personal health information, leave school without permission, and violate the management regulations of dormitories, canteens, libraries and other public places

Article 16 When international students who report personal information in accordance with the requirements of school, those who intentionally fail to report, conceal, misrepresent, misrepresent or fail to report personal information in accordance with the requirements of the University, he shall be given a warning or more. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be severely punished.

Article 17 Strictly abide by the regulations on the management of  campus closed management and requirements of going out during the period of Covid-19 prevention and control. If there are any of the following acts, they shall be given the above punishment with a warning, and if the circumstances are serious, they shall be severely punished.

(1) In violation of the rules of the campus closed management,  going out without leave approval and other procedures, by jumping over the fences and other disciplinary violations;

(2) Without permission, those are in close contact with off campus personnel such as express delivery and takeout through school gate, fence, etc. and do not listen to persuasion;

(3) Leaving the school without leave or approval;

(4) If someone has been approved to leave school after the special circumstances and then return to school again, he/she refuse to cooperate school to take the corresponding measures in accordance with the requirements of Covid-19 prevention and control.

Article 18 Comply with the requirements Covid-19 prevention and control and actively cooperate with the prevention and control work. Any of the following acts shall be given a warning or more severe punishment. If the circumstances are serious or cause a major infectious accident, the punishment shall be severe.

(1) Those who violate the requirements of wearing masks in densely populated places and do not listen to the dissuasion;

(2) Failing to monitor one's own health status in accordance with the provisions, failing to submit personal information timely and accurately as required, and falsifying information about personal health;

(3) Those with abnormal physical condition disobedience to school arrangements;

(4) Knowing that oneself has potential health hazards and still fails to take measures, which causes health threats to others;

(5) Affecting or interfering with the monitoring of the health of others;

(6) Violating the requirements of isolation and not listening to dissuasion;

(7) Organizing gathering activities without permission;

(8) Deliberately not participating in activities such as school study under the pretext of Covid-19;

(9) Engaging in commercial activities, selling epidemic prevention materials and making use of epidemic situation to seek personal gain;

(10) Spreading false information on the prevention and control of Covid-19;

(11) Organizing, participating or instigating others to carry out activities that hinder the prevention and control of Covid-19.

(12) Failing to report any violation of the code of to the college immediately.

Article 19 During the period of  Covid-19 prevention and control, International students should obey relevant prevention and control requirements for dormitories, canteens, classrooms, libraries and other places. Any of the following acts shall be given a warning or more severe punishment. If the circumstances are serious or cause a major infectious accident, the punishment shall be severely punished.

(1) Visiting others dormitories without permission and refuse to listen to dissuasion;

(2) Having party, meeting or visiting in other dormitory buildings and other dormitories, staying in the dormitory and put up other students;

(3) Not cooperating with the work of Covid-19 prevention and control, such as registration of entry and exit, monitoring of body temperature and examination of ID;

(4) Using other people's tableware and other personal articles without permission, which brings health risks to others;

(5) keeping pets in the dormitory area of international students;

(6) Using prohibited electrical appliances in dormitories, hoarding and using flammable disinfection supplies such as alcohol;

(7) Making noise on the campus, causing panic among the people around and disturbing the order of study and life;

(8) Failing to conduct centralized isolation as required by the school;

(9) Other violations of the requirements of the Covid-19 prevention and control in dormitories, canteens, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, etc.

Article 20 In case of any of the following acts in violation of the regulations on the administration of dormitories, they shall be given a disciplinary sanction of warning or above. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be severely punished.

(1) Using the Internet to spread rumors;

(2) Publishing, commenting on or reprinting statements on the Internet that are not conducive to the prevention and control of Covid-19;

(3) Using the internet to organize or participate in other activities that impede the prevention and control of Covid-19.

Article 21 International students who conduct online study in accordance with the requirements of the school shall abide by classroom discipline, obey the management of teachers. Those who are absent from class for a certain times, affect performance evaluation, disturb teaching order, etc. shall be given warning or above punishment, if the circumstances are serious, and shall be severely punished.

Article 22 Any other violation of the requirements of higher authorities, judicial departments, requirements and discipline rules of school shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the school.

Chapter IV limits of authority, procedures and appeals

Article 23 For international students who violate the work of  Covid-19 prevention and control, punishment authority, procedures and appeals shall be dealt with strictly and speedily in accordance with the Regulations on Appeals of International Students of Huaiyin Institute of Technology.

Chapter V supplementary provisions

Article 24 The "above" punishments in these Provisions include punishments at the same level.

Article 25 The SIE shall be responsible for the handling of disciplinary violations by international students.

Article 26 These regulations shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and shall only apply to the period of epidemic prevention and control, and shall terminate naturally upon the termination of  Covid-19 prevention and control.