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淮阴工学院来华留学生纪律处分规定 Discipline and Punishment Criteria for International Students

发布者:国际教育学院 [发表时间]:2017-03-21 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

第一章  总则

第一条  为贯彻国家教育方针,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,教育留学生严格要求自己、遵纪守法,顺利完成学业,依据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》、《淮阴工学院学生违纪处理规定》及其他有关法律、法规和条例,结合我校实际,特制定本规定。

第二条  本规定适用于在淮阴工学院接受学历教育的外国留学生(本科生及研究生)。

第三条  学校维护留学生的合法权益,同时学生有遵守法律、法规和学校各项管理规定的义务。

第四条 学校对有违法、违规、违纪(以下统称违纪)行为的留学生实施批评教育或者纪律处分,是学校依法享有的管理权力,是对学生偏离基本道德行为规范的警示和纠正,是对学生的一种辅助性教育形式。

第五条  学校对有违纪行为的留学生实施纪律处分要做到程序正当、证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、处分适当。

第二章  纪律处分的种类和适用

第六条  学校给予留学生的纪律处分,应当与学生违纪行为的性质和过错的严重程度相适应。纪律处分的种类分为:






第七条  给予留学生记过、严重警告和警告处分考察期为6个月,如学生考察期表现良好,到期后可提出申请按学校规定予以解除。


第八条 有下列情形之一的,可以从轻进行处分:



第九条  有下列情形之一的,可以从重进行处分:





第十条  受过记过、留校察看处分或者受过两次严重警告处分,再次受记过及以上处分的,造成严重后果影响极坏的,直接给予开除学籍处分。

第十一条  给予留校察看处分的,留校察看期限为一年。毕业年级学生,察看期为半年。受留校察看处分的学生,在察看期间对错误有深刻认识并表现良好的,如学生考察期表现良好,到期后可提出申请按学校规定予以解除。


第十二条  给予开除学籍处分的学生,由学校发给学习证明,学生按学校规定的期限(纪律处分决定书下达后10天内)离校;不按时离校者,由学校通知公安机关,公安机关将给予留学生限期驱逐出境的惩罚。

第十三条  留学生违纪过程中造成的损失或者伤害,由违纪学生赔偿损失或者负担医药费等费用。

第三章  违纪行为和纪律处分

第十四条  有违反中国法律法规,破坏稳定,扰乱社会、学校秩序等行为的,视情节,分别给予如下处分:






第十五条  触犯中国法律、法规或者违反治安管理规定,受到公安、司法等部门处罚(包括警告、罚款、拘留、拘役、判刑等)的,除配合有关部门落实处罚外,学校视其处罚轻重,分别给予如下处分:



第十六条  在校内外策划、参与打架,出具提供伪证,为打架提供器械等的,视情节,分别给予下列处分:











第十七条  有侵犯国家、集体、私人财物行为的,除追回赃款、赃物或者赔偿损失外,视情节和财物、钱款金额大小,分别给予下列处分:









第十八条  购买、窝藏、销售赃物的,视情节,分别给予下列处分:



第十九条  走私、贩私,非法经商、倒卖、传销的,视情节,分别给予如下处分:




第二十条  学校禁止学生赌博;对参与赌博或者变相赌博的,视情节,给予严重警告及以上处分;对参与赌博或者变相赌博现场的围观者,给予警告处分;对为他人提供赌具、放风的,给予严重警告或记过处分。

第二十一条  对有下列妨害社会、学校管理秩序,有损大学生形象和社会公德等不文明行为的,视情节,分别给予如下处分:










第二十二条  观看、传播、复制、贩卖非法书刊、音像制品、淫秽物品者,视情节轻重,给予严重警告及以上处分;吸毒、贩毒者,给予记过及以上处分;参与毒品制售者,给予开除学籍处分。

第二十三条  有下列违反学生公寓管理规定,影响正常生活秩序者,视情节轻重,分别给予如下处分:










第二十四条 在教育教学和考试(含考查、测验等)过程中有如下违反学习、考试规定等行为的,视情节分别给予如下处分:






1. 违反规定,将书包、书籍、笔记、手机及其他通讯设备等未放到指定地点并不听劝阻者;

2. 未按规定座位参加考试者;

3. 考试开始指令发出前和考试结束指令发出后,提前或者继续答题者;

4. 考试中偷看他人试卷、交头接耳、互打暗号者;

5. 将试卷、答题卡等带出考场者;

6. 未按试卷要求填写姓名、学号、考号或者标记信息者。


1. 违规携带与考试内容相关的材料或带有存储与考试内容有关材料的电子设备参加考试者;

2. 抄袭或者组织、协助他人抄袭者;

3. 抢夺、窃取他人试卷、答卷或者强迫他人为己抄袭提供方便者;

4. 在考试中交换试卷、传递纸条答案、核对答案或者试卷雷同的者;

5. 在试卷上填写与本人身份不符的姓名、学号、考号者;

6. 故意销毁试卷或者考试材料者;

7. 威胁、侮辱、诽谤、诬陷考试工作人员或者其他考生者。





第二十五条  违反学校消防、用电、用火等管理规定,破坏学校电器装备、消防等公共设施的,视情节,给予严重警告及以上处分;引起灾害、造成后果的,给予开除学籍处分。

第二十六条  有下列侵犯他人人身权利行为的,视情节,分别给予如下处分:



第二十七条  有下列妨害公共安全行为的,视情节,分别给予如下处分:



第二十八条  违反计算机互联网管理有关规定,查阅、制作、复制和传播非法、有害信息,从事危害计算机信息网络安全活动,非法获取、盗用其他单位、个人网络用户信息等的,视情节,给予警告及以上处分。

第二十九条  有本规定未列举到的其他违纪行为,可参照本规定中相近条款给予相应纪律处分。

第四章  处分权限和程序

第三十条  对违纪学生给予处分的批准权限和报批程序:



第三十一条  学生违纪处分程序:








第三十二条  受到处分的学生对处分决定有异议的,可在接到学校处分决定书之日起10日内,向学校留学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉。留学生申诉处理委员会在接到书面申诉起15日内进行复查并将复查结论告知申诉人。需要改变原处分决定的,由留学生申诉处理委员会提交学校有关部门和领导重新研究决定。

第三十三条  从处分决定书或者复查决定送交之日起,学生在申诉期内未提出申诉的,学校将不再受理其提出的申诉。

第五章  附 则

第三十四条  对留学生实施各种处分是留学生在校期间的历史记载,应真实完整地归入学生学籍档案。学生处分登记表、处分决定书、学生申诉复查结论等材料应归入学生本人档案,同时开除学籍学生的处分决定书要报省教育厅备案。

第三十五条  本规定自公布之日起施行。其他有关规定与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

第三十六条  本规定由国际教育学院负责解释。


第一条 为健全学生申诉处理制度,保证学校处理行为的客观、公正、准确、恰当,保障学生的合法权益,根据教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》等有关法律法规,结合学校实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称的申诉,是指学生对学校作出的取消入学资格、退学处理或违规、违纪处分决定不服提起的申诉。

第三条 本办法适用于我校全日制在籍研究生和本科生。

第四条 学生提出申诉应当以实事求是、履行义务、接受教育为原则;学校应当坚持公开、公正、实事求是和有错必纠的原则处理学生的申诉。

第五条 学校成立学生申诉处理委员会,申诉委员会由有关校领导、职能部门负责人、教师代表和学生代表等组成,组成人员必须是单数。申诉委员会主任由学校有关领导担任。

第六条 申诉委员会授权监察处受理学生的申诉。

第七条 学生对学校的处理或者处分决定有异议的,可以在接到学校处理或者处分决定书之日起10 日内,向监察处提出书面申诉。

第八条 申诉人可以委托申诉人的近亲属以及其他具有完全民事行为能力的人作为其申诉代理人。

第九条 学生提出申诉时,应当向申诉的受理机关递交申诉书,并附上学校作出的处分决定书或处理决定书。申诉书应当载明下列事项:





第十条 学生申诉材料不齐备,限期补正,过期不补正的视为撤回申诉。

第十一条 学生申诉处理委员会对决定予以受理的申诉在接到申诉申请书的15日内,作出复查结论并告知申诉人或其代理人。情况复杂不能在规定限期内作出结论的,学校负责人批准,可延长15 日。学生申诉处理委员会认为必要的,可以建议学校暂缓执行有关决定。

第十二条 处理申诉的形式一般采取书面审查方式,由申诉处理委员会对相关当事人进行询问,开展必要的查证。

第十三条 申诉委员会对于申诉案件,经过复查,按照下列情形分别处理:



第十四条 受理机关应当将复查决定及时送交申诉人或其代理人。送达方式可采取下列任何一种:申诉人或其代理人签收;按申诉书通讯地址邮寄。通过邮寄送交的,以回执上注明的收件日期为送达日期。

第十五条 在申诉期间,原处分或处理决定不停止执行。

第十六条 在学校未作出复查决定前,申诉人或其代理人可以书面形式撤回申诉。学生申诉处理委员会在接到关于撤回申诉的申请后,有权决定是否同意其撤回申诉。

第十七条 学生对复查决定有异议的,在接到学校复查决定书之日起15日内,可以向江苏省教育厅提出书面申诉。

第十八条 自处理、处分或者复查决定书送达之日起,学生在申诉期内未提出申诉的视为放弃申诉,学校或者省级教育行政部门不再受理其提出的申诉。

处理、处分或者复查决定书未告知学生申诉期限的,申诉期限自学生知道或者应当知道处理或者处分决定之日起计算,但最长不得超过6 个月。

第十九条 对在本校接受高等学历继续教育的学生、港澳台侨学生、留学生的管理,参照本规定执行。

第二十条 本办法自2017 9 1 日起施行,原《淮阴工学院学生申诉管理办法》(淮工院〔200556 号)同时废止。

第二十一条 本办法由学生工作处、研究生处负责解释。

Discipline and Punishment Criteria for International Students

Section 1 General Principles

Article 1 In order to carry out the national education policy, stick up for the regular teaching and living system of the school, educate students abroad to manage themselves strictly and observe the law, finish school successfully, Discipline and Punishment Criteria for Students Abroad is constituted according to Discipline and Punishment Criteria for Students in High Education School, Discipline and Punishment Criteria for Students of Huaiyin Institute of Technology and the other laws and rules, with reference to the actual situation of the school.

Article 2 Discipline and Punishment Criteria for International Students (The DPCIS, for short) adapt to all the students abroad who are studying in Huaiyin Institute of Technology (undergraduate and postgraduate)

Article 3 The institute has the obligation to stick up legal rights and interests for students, on the other hand, the students have the obligation to observe laws, rules and regulations stated by institute.

Article 4 School can execute his administrative power to the students who has disobeyed the law, rules and disciplines in the form of criticizing or punishment, which is a caution and correction to the students deflection from basic moral behavior norms, and a kind of assistant education form to the students as well.

Article 5 The principles that the school treats with punishment should be:

The procedure is legitimate

The evidence is sufficient

The gist is specific

The definition is exact

The punishment is proper

Section 2 Classification and Applicability of Punishment

Article 6 School should deal with the punishment according to both the definition and the ponderance of violations, which is categorized as follow:

(1) Warning

(2) Severe Warning

(3) Demerit Record

(4) Probation in school

(5) Expulsion

Article 7 International students are given the punishments of demerit, severe warning, and warning which last for 6 months. If the student performs well during the observation period, students may apply for cancellation according to the school regulations.

Article 8 The following situation could be punished in remissive way:

(1) Admitting the wrong forwardly and correcting the mistake in time;

(2) Being intimidated and beguiled by other.

Article 9 The following situation could be seriously punished:

(1) Threatening and retaliating to the witness and prosecutor after the violation;

(2) Making an alliance to shield each other, and concealing disguise the fact or goading others to offer false evidence to make the investigation difficult;

(3) Diversiform violations are made at the same time.

Lots of violations at the same time;

(4) Another punishment is made.

Article 10 Expulsion is made directly to the student who once has been punished as demerit record and being supervised in school, or received two times of sever warning added by demerit record or other more strict punishment.

Article 11 The length of supervision in school is one year for the normal student (undergraduate student), but half a year for the students in the graduate grade. If the student performs well during the observation period, students may apply for cancellation according to the school regulations.The punishment is relieved in advance to the students who have been outstanding in school.

Article 12 The institute grants Study Certificate to the students who are punished as expulsion. The students must leave school on schedule (during 10 days since the day when the school issues the punishment), otherwise, the Police will punish renvoi to the students in limit time.

Article 13 The violator students must pay for the losing and the medicine cost caused by them.

Section 3 Violation Instance and Punishment

Article 14 The violation instances that disobey China national law and statute, destroy social stabilization, disturb the peace and order of school are punished as follows:

(1) The punishment for the violation instances, such as demagoguery on purpose, fake and subreption, instigate and make trouble, post illegal drum-beating and disturb the peace and order of school and society is not less than sever warning.

(2) The punishment for the violation instances to participate in illegal assembly, pageant and bedin is not more than record a demerit. The punishment for the violation instances to organize illegal assembly, pageant and bedin is expulsion.

(3) The punishment for the violation instances to constitute illegal organization and spread abroad fetish and evil religion is expulsion.

(4) The punishment for the violation instances to organize activity in the name of student organization sodality without registration, and disobey the Regulations for Student Organization Sodality again and again, is not less than record a demerit.

(5) The punishment for other unlisted violation instances to destroy social stabilization, disturb the peace and order of school may refer to the relative article.

Article 15 The violation instances to offend China national law and statute, or disobey public security rules and be punished by public security and judicature department (such as warning, penalty, detention, condemning etc.) are punished, except to cooperate with public security and judicature department, school will punish as follows:

(1) The school publishes the student and the punishment is not less than severe warning, who has been punished as warning, penalty and detention by public security and judicature department.

(2) The punishment is expulsion for the student who has been condemned by public security and judicature department.

Article 16 The violation instances to instigate and participate in fight, fabricate perjuries, offer weapon in school are punished as follows:

(1) The punishment for the violation instances to attack other but no damage (the degree is judged by hospital or related department, below is the same) is warning or severe warning, and is not less than record a demerit if the attack causes grievous bodily harm.

(2) The punishment for the violation instances to attack other first with weapon is not less than record a demerit; the violation instance to attack other first with knife, sword and ironware is punished in aggravation.

(3) The punishment for the violation instances to stir assault and battery in the name of appeaser is warning or severe warning; and may be not less than severe warning according to the aftermath.

(4) The punishment for the violation instances to instigate fight and cause aftermath is record a demerit. The punishment for the violation instances to damage other or destroy public or private article is probation in school or expulsion if the aftermath is severe.

(5) The punishment for the violation instances to pick a quarrel and fight inside dorm or classroom and force other outside with criminal assault is probation in school or expulsion.

(6) The punishment for the violation instances to fabricate perjuries on purpose to disturb inquiry is severe warning or to record a demerit; the participator is punished in aggravation.

(7) The punishment for the violation instances to offer weapon used by criminal on purpose and no aftermath is severe warning; is not less than record a demerit if the fight cause an aftermath; the participator to offer knife and ironware is punished in aggravation.

(8) The punishment for the violation instances to be chief instigator of fight and revenge other after the incident is punished in aggravation by the relative article.

(9) The violation instance to assault teacher and staff is punished in aggravation by the relative article.

(10) The punishment for other unlisted violation instances of fight and bustup may refer to the relative article.

Article 17 The violation instances to encroach the property of nation, collectivity or individual are punished (according to the sum) as follows, besides replevy illicit money and thievery or compensate:

(1) The punishment for the violation instances to burgle and commit an offence (include together crime. Below is the same.) , but the small amount does not make of delict is warning, severe warning or record a demerit, and is probation in school or expulsion if the amount is too big to make of delict.

(2) The punishment for the violation instance to burgle and commit an offence time after time, is probation in school or expulsion according to the amount of illicit money and thievery, and expulsion for the above instance after the punishment.

(3) The punishment for the violation instance to burgle and commit an offence by picking lock and open door with copy key covertly, is not less than probation in school; to offer the information or support to the violator is treated as the same violation with the relative punishment; the chief is punished in aggravation.

(4) The punishment for the violation instance to be a faitour and take saving, remittance or mail is not less than record a demerit; to pick up valuable paper, magcard or cell phone and consume is not less than severe warning.

(5) The punishment for the violation instance to burgle cachet, availability paper, secrecy document and archives etc. is not less than record a demerit.

(6) The punishment for the violation instance to cheat or racketeer public or private property, may refer to the relative article; the instance to cheat or racketeer minors property is punished in aggravation.

(7) The punishment for the violation instance to grab public or private property by force or in uproarious situation is not less than record a demerit.

(8) The punishment for the violation instances to destroy public or private property on purpose with small damage is warning or severe warning, the punishment is not less than severe warning if the damage is worst, and the punishment is probation in school or expulsion if the violator redo time after time.

Article 18 The violation instances to purchase shelter or distribute thievery are punished (according to the sum and the degree) as follows:

(1) The punishment for the violation instances to purchase the thievery (know the ropes) with venial degree is warning or severe warning; the punishment is not less than record a demerit if the degree is grievous.

(2) The punishment for the violation instances to shelter or distribute thievery for other is not less than record a demerit.

Article 19 The violation instances of contraband and multi-level marketing are punished (according to the sum and the degree) as follows:

(1) The punishment for contraband (according to the definition and the degree) is not less than severe warning.

(2) The punishment for illegal business without the approval of business administration or school is severe warning or record a demerit; or probation in school or expulsion if the violator refuses to mend his or her ways despite of repeated admonition.

(3) The punishment for the participator or organizer of illegal multi-level marketing is not less than record a demerit.

Article 20 The punishment for gamester (according to the degree) is not less than severe warning, for spectator is warning; for the supporter (offer information or tools) is severe warning or record a demerit.

Article 21 The violation instances and uncivil behavior of disturbance to social and school order and damage students status and social morality is punished (according to degree) as follows:

(1) The punishment for harlotry and cheeky service is not less than severe warning.

(2) The punishment for the first offender sot is warning, the punishment for the repeating sot is record a demerit; the punishment for affray and dustup of sot inside school is not less than severe warning.

(3) The punishment for the violation instances to peek or shoot others privacy covertly with telescope, camera and cell phone is severe warning, the punishment is not less than record a demerit if the degree is grave and effection is wicked.

(4) The punishment for mobbish and indecent violation of rascaldom is record a demerit, or probation in school or expulsion.

(5) The punishment for the violation instances to make big noise  in public and disturb the regular order of rest and working is warning or severe warning; if the violator refuse to mend his or her ways despite of repeated admonition, the punishment is not less than record a demerit.

(6) The punishment for the violation instances to destroy lawn, break flower or branch, scrabble and graffito on public property (such as desk, wall etc.) is not less than warning.

(7) The punishments for the violation instances to leave garbage around, smoke, clamour and disturb the regular order of schooling is not less than warning.

(8) The punishments for the violation instances to alter and forge student card, library card, graduation diploma, falsification in the application procedure of certificates; kickback caused by certificates subtenancy, is not less than severe warning.

(9) The punishment for the violation instance inside school to disobey the regulations, disturb the regular order of schooling and living and public peace, is not less than warning.

Article 22 The punishment for the violation instance to see, distribute, copy and sell illegal books, video, pruriency things (according to the degree) is not less than warning. The punishment for drugger and viper is not less than record a demerit, for the participator to make and sell is expulsion.

Article 23 The violation instances to disobey Dormitory Supervisory Regulations and disturb the regular living order (according to the degree) are punished as follows:

(1) The punishment for the violation instance to disturb others rest in dorm or boarding house by various means and refusal to mend his or her ways despite repeated admonition is warning or severe warning. The punishment for the violation instance to stay outside school at night without leave permission is not less than warning. The punishment for the violation instance to reside in a rental room outside school without permission and stay outside school at night is not less than record a demerit. Those who fail to cooperate with the teacher on duty to check the dormitory and come back dormitory late twice a week will be given a warning or serious warning. Those who come back dormitory late more than 5 times in a semester will be given a demerit record.

(2) The punishment for the violation instances to exchange room or bed place, occupy dorm without permission and refuse to mend the ways despite of repeated admonition is severe warning or record a demerit. The punishment for the violation instances to occupy, lend or rent privately is not less than record a demerit.

(3)Cooking in other areas of the school other than the public kitchen is prohibited.The punishment for the violation instances to use electricity or fire in room is not less than severe warning; the punishment is not less than record a demerit if the result is grave.

(4) The punishment for the violation instances to smoke, keep or use instant water-heater, electric cooker, electric oven, electric pot, electric blanket, heater, and alcohol heatere etc. inside room or dorm is warning or severe warning. The above stuff will be confiscated by school without returning; the punishment is record a demerit besides paying for the loss according to the aftereffect of using them; the punishment is not less than probation in school besides to pay for the losing if cause heavy losses; the punishment for the repeating violator is not less than record a demerit.

(5) Observe the regulation of receiving visitors. Visitors from outside of school must register with the dormitory administrator and leave the dormitory before 21:00 PM. Those who refuse to leave after persuasion ,the receiver will be given disciplinary warning.

(6) The punishment for the violation instances to accommodate the adventitious person of the same sex, or arrange the adventitious person to reside in others dorm is warning; the punishment is probation in school or expulsion if the violator is aware of the adventitious person is suspect or dissipated bummer.

(7) The punishment for the violation instances to accommodate isomerism or sleep in heterosexual room is record a demerit or probation in school or expulsion.

(8) The punishments for the violation instances to leave garbage around, breed pet, bring experimental animal back and feed in dorm, waste water and electricity on purpose and refuse to mend the ways despite of repeated admonition, is warning, severe warning or record a demerit.

(9) The punishment for other unlisted violation instances to destroy Dormitory Supervisory Regulations may refer to the relative article.

Article 24 The violation instances to disobey study and examination regulations (include Check and test) are punished as follows (according to the degree):

(1) The punishment for the violation instance to absent meeting and collectivity activity of school and class without leave permission is warning or severe warning.

(2) The punishment for the violation instance to disobey the operation regulations during experiment, practice, and novitiate, and refuse the teachers direction and dissuasion is warning; the punishment is not less than severe warning if the accident and aftereffect has been caused.

(3) The punishment for the violation instance to hold up school managers line of duty according to the law and rule is not less than record a demerit. The punishment for the violation instance to disturb the order of schooling and examination is warning or severe warning. The punishment for the violation instance to abuse or take criminal assault to teachers and staff and disturb the order of schooling and examination is not less than record a demerit.

(4) The punishment for the violation instance to absent education activities stated by school for total 15 class hours without leave permission during one semester is warning; for total 30 class hours is severe warning; for total 45 class hours is record a demerit; for total 60 class hours is probation in school. The punishment for the violation instance to absent activities stated by school for two continuous weeks and more without leave permission is leave school according to Students Abroad Status Regulations, the punishment will be expulsion if the violator refuses to leave school.

(5) The punishment for one of these violation instances as follows to disobey examination regulations during examination (includes check and test) is warning or severe warning:

a. Do not put schoolbags, books, notebooks and other communication devices such as mobile phones at the appointed place and refuse dissuasion;

b. Do not take seat in stated place;

c. Do the examination paper before the examination beginning or after the finish.

d. Peek others examination paper, whisper and exchange secret signal to each other.

e. Take examination and answer sheet out of examination room.

f. Do not fill in name, student number, examination number or marker by the requirement of examination paper.

(6) The punishment for one of these violation instances as follows to be a cribber during examination (includes check and test) is record a demerit, probation in school or expulsion:

a. Take the material related to the examination content or electron facility with the memory of the examination content to attend the examination.

b. Copy, or organize, assist other to copy.

c. Grab, filch others examination paper, answer paper, or force other to support the convenience for his or her copy.

d. Exchange examination paper, pass scrip of result, and check the result, or the examination papers are similar.

e. Fill in the name, student number and examination number, which are unconformity with the real identity.

f. Destroy examination paper or related material on purpose.

g. Threaten, insult, libel, and frame examination staff or other examinee.

(7) The punishment for the violation instance to obtain test question examination by malfeasance means but the violation does not cause bigger affection, is to record a demerit or probation in school; the punishment is expulsion if the violation causes bigger affection.

(8) The punishment for the violation instance to juggle examination achievement is not less than record a demerit.

(9) For the violation instance to be replaced for the examination or replace other to attend examination, organize collective cribbing (over three persons to cheat together) by communication facility, cheat and copy others research production, buy in and sell at a profit or transfer lawlessly science and technology production of school, the punishment is expulsion if the dealing and degree is grave.

(10) The punishment for other unlisted violation instances to destroy the regulations of schooling and examination may refer to the relative article.

Article 25 For the violation instance to disobey the regulations which are about to use electricity, fire and fire protection, destroy electric equipment and fire protection facility etc., the punishment is not less than severe warning according to the degree; the punishment is expulsion if calamity and after effect has been caused.

Article 26 The violation instances to offend others right are punished as follows (according to the degree):

(1) The punishment for the violation instance to hide, destroy or tear open others letter and parcel privately, is warning or severe warning; the punishment is notless than record a demerit if the degree is grave.

(2) For the violation instance to insult or defame the other, threaten others security by intimidatory letter, annoying telephone, disturb others regular study and living, the punishment is not less than warning.

Article 27 The violation instances of disorderly conduct are punished as follows (according to the degree):

(1) The punishment for the violation instance to take or keep restrictive knife is warning or severe warning.

(2) For the violation instance to disobey direction so that caused confusion, hustle to affect the security and refuse dissuasion, the punishment is severe warning; the punishment is not less than record a demerit if the violator make confusion or enkindle disturbance on purpose.

Article 28 For the violation instances to browse, fabricate, copy and spread illegal baleful information, endanger the security of Internet, obtain and embezzle other users information, the punishment is not less than warning according to the degree.

Article 29 The punishment for other unlisted violation instances may refer to the relative article.

Section 4 Purview and Procedure

Article 30 The purview of approval and the procedure of report to the leadership:

(1) Warning, severe warning and record a demerit:

International Students Affairs Office brings forward the opinion about the punishment. School of International Education looks through the opinion. Principal of the school approves and signs on the Punishment Decision. Promulgate the Punishment Decision.

Probation in school and expulsion:

International Students Affairs Office brings forward the opinion about the punishment. School of International Education looks through the opinion. Principal conference of the school discusses and makes decision, then signs on the Punishment Decision. Promulgate the Punishment Decision.

(2) School of International Education punishes the incident related to the whole school or the violators belong to two or more colleges together with the involved institute or department. School of International Education may punish the violator by warning and severe warning directly.

Article 31 The procedure of punishment to violation:

(1) The student or attorney may state and excuse in written before the punishment, the statement and appeal become effective after signature.

(2) International Students Affairs Office fills in Students Abroad Punishment Registration Form (two copies for one uniformity); then report to the leadership the truth course, circumstantial evidence, and the students (or the attorney) statement and appeal, and the other evidence. The school may authorize some departments to punish students, the related forms are filled in by these departments.

(3) The school should promulgate and deliver the Punishment Decision to the related departments after the punishment procedure finishes.

(4) International Students Affairs Office fills in Students Abroad Punishment Delivery Advice Note according to the purview of approval.

(5) International Students Affairs Office delivers Punishment Decision and Students Abroad Punishment Delivery Advice Note, then the student who is punished signs the return receipt of Students Abroad Punishment Delivery Advice Note.

(6) Two teachers are the eyewitnesses when bearer delivers Punishment Decision and Students Abroad Punishment Delivery Advice Note to the student who is punished, the bearer should write on the receipt about the origin why the student refuses to sign for if the student refuses to sign for and make trouble out of all reason, then the bearer and the eyewitnesses sign or stamp on the receipt. Punishment Decision and Students Abroad Punishment Delivery Advice Note are left in the students place, namely the delivery is treated as finish. At the same time the copy will be mailed to the related departments and the parents and the lineal relative. The date, which is given clear indication on the receipt is treated as the date of delivery finish date.

(7) The Police (Division of Exit-Entry Administration of the Huaian Municipal Public Security Bureau) will promulgate the bulletin if the violator whereabouts is still unknown or the above delivery method is unsuccessful. The delivery is treated as finish on the 60th day from the date of promulgation.

Article 32 The student who is punished may bring forward the written appeal to Appeal Treating Committee during 10 days since the date Punishment Decision delivery finish if they feel contentious. Appeal Treating Committee checkups and informs the conclusion to the students during 15 days since the day when they receive the written appeal. The Appeal Treating Committee will submit the appeal to the school leadership or the related departments to rehandle if the former decision needs to be modified.

Article 33 The school will not accept and hear the case if the student doesnt lodge the compliant during the scheduled appeal time since the delivery date of Punishment Decision or the conclusion of the Appeal Supervision Committee.

Section 5 Supplementary Articles

Article 34 Various punishments to students are the records during the period at school, it should be kept in the archives of student status, also together with Students Abroad Punishment Registration Form, Punishment Decision, the appeal and the conclusion of the Appeal Supervision Committee. At the same time the punishment decision about expulsion should be put on records in the Education Department of Loaning Province.

Article 35 This regulation is put in force since September 1st, 2016. This regulations is the frame of reference to the variance of the else regulations.

Article 36 School of International Education holds the right to explain all the above regulations.