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淮阴工学院学生网络缴费流程 Online Payment process

发布者: [发表时间]:2021-09-30 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


登陆网址  http://pay.hyit.edu.cn/payment/,用户名为学号,密码为护照号后六位。(注:2018年入校留学生的密码为学号

Log in http://pay.hyit.edu.cn/payment/, The username is the student ID, Password is the last six numbers of user passport . (Note: The password of international students of 2018 is the same as our student ID)



The details of fees for the current academic year will be displayed on the page


Select the payment option and click "Pay" in the lower right corner to confirm the information and click "Yes".



Move to the payment platform and click "Next"



Scan the QR code to pay with WeChat, Alipay or Bank card APP



The details of the payment will be displayed after the payment is successful




Select ‘Print the Order’ to save the order details