- 专业介绍:软件工程(本科)Software Engineering (Undergraduate) 2023-02-28
- 硕士研究方向介绍:载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering 2023-02-20
- 硕士研究方向介绍:人工智能与智慧交通 Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Smart Transpo... 2023-02-20
- 硕士研究方向介绍:交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management 2023-02-20
- 硕士研究方向介绍:道路与铁道工程 Road and Railway Engineering 2023-02-20
- 硕士研究方向介绍:农业信息化 Introduction to the Research Field: Agricultural inf... 2023-02-15
- 硕士研究方向介绍:信息功能材料与光电检测技术 Introduction to the Research Field... 2023-02-15
- 硕士研究方向介绍:材料工程 Introduction to the Research Field: Material Engineeri... 2022-03-15
- 专业介绍:机械设计制造及其自动化(本科) Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Aut... 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:材料成型及控制工程(本科) Material Shaping and Control Engineering 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:交通运输(本科)Transportation Engineering (Undergraduate) 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:通信工程(本科)Communication Engineering (Undergraduate) 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:园艺(本科)Horticulture (Undergraduate) 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:机械电子工程(本科) Mechatronics Engineering (Undergraduate) 2022-03-30
- 专业介绍:制药工程(本科)Pharmaceutical Engineering (Undergraduate) 2022-03-30